Published onFebruary 9, 2023@edgar Upgrade your commit pipeline with Husky & Conventional commitsgithubgitsourcecontrolcommitshuskyprettierlinternsSetup steps to configure husky, eslint, commitlint and prettier to create a powerful and secure commit pipeline for you and your team.
Published onMay 11, 2022@edgar Things I would have wanted to knowdesignarchitecturegithubgitprogrammingtestingThis is a list with some topics and resources I would have wanted to know when I started coding particularly things that are usefull when looking for a job.
Published onMarch 31, 2022@edgar Getting started with git, github & vscodegithubgitsourcecontrolshellThis is quite an easy and quick introducction to git, github and source control using vscode and trunk-based alike flow.