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Customize your Github profile II


Customize your Github | Part 2

This blog post is under construction and will be be ready soon

Following the thread of the post Customize your Github pro style in this I briefly explain how to finish defining your profile to make it more interesting for each possible professional opportunity.

Github allows you to set 6 main repositories in your home / front page profile or whatever you want to call it. Even if you have more than 6 repositories, these do not always seem to you, it is more likely that if you have not configured it, it is possible that none will appear.

If we scroll down once we are in a Github repository, we will reach the featured repository section of the profile:

My repositories

Repositories said by: gagocarrilloedgar The previous photo you see is my Github profile and you will find it if you scroll down a bit. If you are in your profile and you see this section empty or only with some of your repositories, you simply have to click on the right button that says Customize your pings:

Pinned repositories customization button

Repository customization button, look once inside you will see a list of repositories, like this:

List of repositories

Repository listSimply choose which repositories you want to appear on your main tab and you're good to go.

Repository Card Configuration

It is possible that in addition to not having all the repositories, some of them are not 100% complete. Having a small description in addition to the title of the repository is important, especially if you are open to new opportunities and want it to be your main portfolio.

To configure each of the repositories you have, you just have to go to them and look at the About at the top right. Click on the settings button to start editing your about:

Setting up a repository

Configuration of a repositoryOnce inside you will see something similar to the following:

About nuwe project

About the nuwe projectOnce in the about you can edit everything you see in the previous photograph. The topic and the profile do not appear on the main card but it is always good to tag the project.

The two points of your repository that are seen in the profile are:

  • The name of the repository
  • The description you give in the about
  • The main language of the repository

Although it may seem silly, if a person is reviewing your profile, it is very likely that the first thing they see will be the repositories that you have pinned.

Yes, you have a special affection for a repository or you simply want to highlight your best projects, posting them on your profile is a good way to do it.

I hope it has been useful to you and if you have any questions you can find me and ask me on my LinkedIn profile: